Hillsong: Illuminati?

I had to laugh at this. My tracking system informed me that someone had come across my blog today through searching for “Hillsong Illuminati”. And what do you know, when I checked Google I came up first for Hillsong Illuminati. Google has identified me as the all seeing eye. Beware!


13 thoughts on “Hillsong: Illuminati?

  1. Why thank you for this blessing brother because we may be future business partners, cheers 🙂
    Now you are curious and slightly nervous to the fact that i can hear you think. I am watching you just as you read “THIS”, look behind you in two days and i will know who did and who did not.
    HAHAHAHAH JUST JOKING, lol im kidding, sorry these conspierecies crack me up. Its all bullshit, my friend keeps trying to tell me that its all real but im not buying it. I just smoke my blunts n chill


  2. I Believe That The Truth Truth in the Lord Jesus Christ will be with us and enlighten us all, we know that crime as darkness continues to manifest and the real truth of GOD the FATHER continues to evolve with the perfect light in the sky will shade the head and in the deepest inner self we. I believe in Indonesia and Asia in General continues to inflame Truth Lord, but the world continues mebombardir modern lifestyle filled with lies kemunafkan and political system is democratic or republican or communist or socialist forms that are easily manifested by organizations such as the Illuminati’s darkness, utuk it with a true unity in a wave of truth and drums in the percussion FATHER must continue so that the noise continues to be a bright formations and the darkness of the evil one can not master it. so the truth that the Lord continues to be broadcast through the song Truth in Praise of the Lord is Hillsong hopefully we can continue to work together in the Lord I JAMES A Kingdom of Yahweh WATULINGAS citizens in Indonesia. let kemenagan kept in drum. Glory Halelluyah, Immanuel
    Saya Percaya Bahwa Kebenaran di dalam Kebenaran TUHAN Yesus Kristus akan menyertai kita dan menerangi kita semua, kita tahu bahwa kejahatan sebagai kegelapan terus bermanifestasi dan kebenaran yang sejati dari TUHAN BAPA terus berevolusi dengan cahaya yang sempurna akan menaungi di langit kepala dan bathin terdalam di dalam diri kita. saya percaya di Indonesia dan Asia secara Umum masih terus mengobarkan Kebenaran TUHAN namun didunia moderen terus mebombardir dengan pola hidup penuh kemunafkan dan kebohongan adalah politik dengan sistim demokrasi atau republik atau komunis atau sosialis adalah bentuk bentuk yang mudah di manifestasikan oleh organisasi kegelapan seperti Illuminati ini, utuk itu dengan persatuan dan kesatuan sejati dalam sebuah gelombang dan genderang kebenaran dari BAPA harus terus di tabuh sehingga kebisingannya terus membahana hingga menjadi terang benderang dan kegelapan dari si Jahat tidak dapat menguasainya. sehingga kebenaran yang dalam TUHAN terus di siarkan lewat lagu KEBENARAN dalam PUJIAN kepada TUHAN adalah HILLSONG semoga kita terus dapat bekerja sama dalam TUHAN saya JAMES A WATULINGAS warga Kerajaan TUHAN ada di Indonesia. biarlah kemenagan terus di tabuh Glory Halelluya. Immanuel


  3. James, I read the English version and I’m still not entirely sure what you’re trying to say about Hillsong or the Illuminati. Bear in mind though that this thread is intended to be entirely tongue in cheek.


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