Eve: the first Pandora

The stories of Eve and Pandora are equated in this 1550 painting by Jean Cousin the Elder, Eva Prima Pandora (Eve the first Pandora). It features a naked woman reclining in a grotto. Her right elbow rests on a skull, indicating the bringing of death, and she holds an apple branch in that hand –ContinueContinue reading “Eve: the first Pandora”

Christian Art: the hunt of the unicorn

Angels and virgins and unicorns, oh my! Here’s a curious bit of Christian art history I have come across. From around 1330 AD a theme emerged in Medieval and Renaissance poetry art of the Virgin Mary as the hortus conclusus or “enclosed garden”. This was inspired by a verse from the Song of Songs which readsContinueContinue reading “Christian Art: the hunt of the unicorn”

Evidence for Christ from non-Christians

Surprising as it may be for some, there is actually quite a bit of historical evidence for Jesus from non-Christian sources. This is the best kind of evidence as if anything it is biased against Christianity, rather than for it, the writers having no vested interest in proving the historicity of Jesus.   Evidence fromContinueContinue reading “Evidence for Christ from non-Christians”

The Gemini twins in the Bible

Castor and Pollux were twin half-brothers in Greek and Roman mythology, known together as the Dioskouroi. They were sons of Leda by two different fathers. Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, while Pollux was the divine son of Zeus. When Castor was killed, Pollux asked Zeus to let him shareContinueContinue reading “The Gemini twins in the Bible”

Curious about Lilith?

I get people asking me about Lilith from time but there’s not actually much I can say. Lilith doesn’t play any significant part in Christianity. While there is a “lilith” mentioned in the Hebrew scriptures (Isaiah 34:14 for those who want to look it up) it is simply a passing reference to a night creatureContinueContinue reading “Curious about Lilith?”

Is YHWH just a Hebrew version of Zeus?

Is YHWH equivalent to other gods? Just a Hebrew version of Zeus for instance? With a wife even? No, YHWH’s domain is not limited to the sky. Nor did YHWH come into being at some point like Zeus did. Granted there is some evidence to suggest early Hebrews had a more limited conception of YHWH,ContinueContinue reading “Is YHWH just a Hebrew version of Zeus?”

Jesus as Dionysus and Demeter

In the western imagination YHWH and his messiah have most often been equated with Zeus, lord of the sky, and Apollo, his light giving son … or is it sun? And yet, the scriptures again and again speak YHWH as Lord of earth, sky and sea and everything in them. Would it not be justContinueContinue reading “Jesus as Dionysus and Demeter”

Greek Mythology in the New Testament

“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18) And I tell you that interacting with contemporary Pagans has given me greater appreciation for just how often the messianic Jews of the New Testament encountered andContinueContinue reading “Greek Mythology in the New Testament”