The Long Road to Justice: Indigenous Australians’ Fight for Recognition

Following from my comments the other day on Jesus and his teachings on social status, I want to turn my attention to the place Indigenous Australians in Australian society. Indigenous Australians have a unique and rich cultural heritage that predates European colonization by tens of thousands of years. However, their historical and ongoing experiences sinceContinueContinue reading “The Long Road to Justice: Indigenous Australians’ Fight for Recognition”

George Pell mural removed as deemed ‘offensive’

A mural featuring former Australian Catholic Archbishop George Pell in handcuffs and prison clothes, praying with a demonic figure leaning in over his shoulder, was removed this week because of complaints that it was ‘offensive’. Really?! That’s what people find offensive? What I find offensive are the crimes George Pell was convicted of: child sexualContinueContinue reading “George Pell mural removed as deemed ‘offensive’”

A spotters guide to Aboriginal symbols

These are some symbols you will commonly come across in Australian Aboriginal art. An important point to note is that the perspective is generally that of looking down on the land from above, as is common for maps. Because that’s what Aboriginal artworks actually are. Now try testing your new skills on this painting. CanContinueContinue reading “A spotters guide to Aboriginal symbols”

Advent Down Under

To kick of the season of Advent, here is a poem by a good friend, Lucy Jarasius. Lucy is a Christian with interests in dancing, ministry with Aboriginal Australians and social justice. Adventist Dreaming ©Lucy Jarasius 2014   Iffhuwanah, Maid of Gondwana, made of earth dreaming darkly waiting for light-shining, night-splitting Amor capable of scalingContinueContinue reading “Advent Down Under”